Our 2017 Summer outreach is now (sadly) a fading memory. Nevertheless we trust that deep, lasting impressions have been made upon many souls, and that we will see the fruit of our labours in eternity, even if not in time.
I must apologise for not updating this blog as we went along, and for being so slow to do this catch-up post. I’ve been asked about it several times and so really must not put it off any longer.
The Lord blessed up greatly, and we were able to distribute a very significant percentage of the 25,000 Texts we had prepared. On top of this, many thousands of people heard the Gospel preached clearly at almost all of the venues we visited for distribution.
Rather than give a blow-by-blow account, I thought I would share a photographic record of our trip, with a few comments here and there.
Lord’s Day 6th August
We remembered the Lord with the small assembly which meets in a rented room at the Blantyre Baptist Academy, followed by lunch at Ryall’s hotel and a run to the airport to collect the remainder of our Canadian visitors.
Brother Gary gave a devotional word and Isaac preached the Gospel.

Monday 7th August
We like to gently break in our volunteers on the first Monday with a visit to Blantyre market. This is always a lot more civilised than some of the other markets 🙂

Tuesday 8th August
We had a busy day! Our first busy market at Mbulumbuzi – almost a catastrophe as we forgot to bring the PA speaker stands, but we improvised in true African style until Gail was able to bring them – she had stayed behind to do a final airport run for Elizabeth who’d been delayed in transit.

After a “picnic” on the bus….

(I know, there’s always one!)

(You’d think butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth!)
…we made our way to the nearby Hospital. We visited a number of wards, singing hymns, distributing some essential hygeine items we had brought, and preaching a short Gospel message before leaving the patients and family members with literature packs.

Then it was off to P.I.M where market day was well advanced, and where the beer had obviously been flowing freely.

As we disembarked from the bus the noise from the market was deafening – music blaring from various sites in competition with each other. It didn’t bode well, but amazingly the Lord overruled and within 60 seconds a power blackout plunged the entire scene into relative silence, allowing us to preach without hindrance using our rechargeable PA system.

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