Delighted to inform that we have now received the first draft of the translation of Food for New Believers, and that we are very hopeful of completing the editorial and typesetting work in time to have the finished publication ready before the end of the year.
Please keep this matter before the Lord so that we should know His help and guidance.
It’s taken me a few days to get around to posting some of the pictures we were permitted to take inside the prison during our visit there last week.
A large crowd of men gathered to hear the Gospel – probably around 500 initially, although this dwindled a little towards the end as it approached 12 o’clock when they receive their single ration for the day.
Brother Jim gave a clear message, as did Isaac, and the entire team sang a few Gospel hymns.
Some of the the prisoners themselves contributed, with one quoting John 1 in its entirety in Chichewa, and another quoting Matthew 7 in English.
As well as over 2000 Seed Sower texts, it was a privilege to able to supply half a tonne of maize as a small contribution for the welfare of the prisoners – the prison chaplain had been lamenting the fact that there is an increasing food shortage which has been causing some unrest.
Please pray for the Lord’s blessing upon His Word.
Handing over maizePrisoners displaying their Seed Sower TextsScripture RecitalScripture RecitalJim PreachingPrisoners listening to the Gospel
The last few days have been a bit of an anti-climax after saying goodbye to about half of the team over the weekend.
Nevertheless, the remaining team members enjoyed further fellowship at Nsanama on Sunday, and were out again for our final open-air and Seed Sower distribution at two busy market places – Bvumbwe and Mkando.
Open air preaching at Bvumbwe
Youngsters at Mkando
As we look back over the past three or more weeks, we can certainly trace the Lord’s hand in many many. Â Just yesterday we were preserved again from serious incident on the roads when an old man walked straight in front of the minibus as we were passing through Mbulumbuzi. Â He was completely oblivious to our approaching vehicle, but by God’s grace we narrowly missed him.
In total we have distributed around 30,000 texts – more than double the number distributed last year. Â Literally thousands of people have heard clear and faithful presentations of the Gospel, and we are certain that only eternity will reveal the great work the Lord has been doing during our visit here. Â One thing is for sure, all of us who have participated will not be the same again.
Please continue to pray as we leave three more to the airport today, and as the rest of us clear up and prepare to return home tomorrow. Thanks.
We returned to PIM today for a second bite of the cherry 🙂
Last week we were very frustrated when the PA system’s battery went flat early in the open air (nobody’s fault but mine) , so we decided to go back another time.
It was such an encouragement to see dozens of people standing listening attentively to the Gospel clearly preached there, and again at Blantyre market in the afternoon when we all agreed that the Lord gave very definite help and appeared to be speaking to souls.
We have now distributed almost 25,000 of the 40,000 texts we produced for this trip, and Harold continues to receive many calls each day. It’s encouraging to hear that some of these contacts have serious interest in their salvation.
Although we were frustrated not to get into the prison in the morning due to a security issue – the prisoners were “striking” for improved food rations – we did have a very fruitful afternoon in two of Zomba’s townships, Mpunga and Mpondabwino.
On another positive note, we did have a good conversation with the Commissioner for Prisons, and we have agreement to make a further visit to the prison on Thursday, Lord willing.
We were privileged today to join with the believers at Nsanama to remember the Lord and for the Gospel preaching.
Tomorrow we are hoping to visit Zomba prison to preach and distribute literature packs. The prison authorities have told us to expect a large number of prisoners to attend, so please continue to pray that the Lord will bless His word.
Jim speaks to Mayi (Mrs) Felesta Godfrey and assembled family and neighbours outside the simple home built for her using funds donated by concerned believers following the storms in 2015.
This has been a wonderful testimony to the love of God and a great opportunity to speak of the eternal home in heaven prepared for all who put their trust in Christ.
We spent a profitable time at Nachikangwala market, before moving on to Goodson’s home for a traditional Malawian lunch (more of a feast, really), and a cottage meeting when family, friend and neighbors heard a clear gospel message.
We also had opportunity to visit some of the widows who we were able to help with a simple new home after the wind and rain storms damaged homes in early 2015.
Unanimous agreement that, so far, today has been the best yet.
The Lord provided an excellent preaching spot at the top of the market area in Thondwe, and hundreds of people heard several clear gospel messages. What a wonder that God has made known the love of Christ in Chichewa as well as English.
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