
What will you leave?

From my daily reading this morning:

“Then Peter began to say unto him, Lo, we have left all, and have followed thee. And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel’s, But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.” Mark 10:28–30

How often we have proved this to be true!

Earlier in the chapter the rich young ruler went away “grieved” for he was unwilling to forsake his many possessions in order to follow Christ. It’s tragic when a soul is lost because the cost of trusting Christ as Saviour is too much to pay, but equally tragic when a Christian forfeits the deep joy, present recompenses and ultimate rewards of total commitment to Him as Lord.

What a rich and diverse family the child of God has who is willing to follow Christ. A particular blessing for those who have left anything for the Gospel’s sake.

What will you leave?


All aboard


Seems the flight cancellation notice was indeed a technical glitch.  We are safely boarded, best (cheap) seats in the house, and soon to get underway.


News Outreach 2015

Malawi Gospel Outreach Trip commences tomorrow

We begin our Gospel outreach trip to Malawi tomorrow, God willing. Gail and I will set off from Dublin in the evening and the rest of the team will assemble in Malawi over the course of the next few days. We should all be in place by this day next week.

We will very much value your prayers for safety, and particularly for the Lord’s blessing upon the word that we will be distributing. We will be fewer in number this year, however we have prepared around 15000 Seed Sower texts and we hope to distribute all or most of these, along with the most recent edition of Exploring God’s Word magazine.

Please also pray for help in the presentation of the Word of God at various open air meetings which will take place as well as planned meetings in several village locations, and for a planned whole-day Children’s outreach, when we expect a large number of children to attend..

If you’re interested in following the progress of the trip, we plan to post regular updates at

Yours in our Lord Jesus Christ.



Open air preaching

Open-air preaching in Malawi seldom fails to attract a crowd. While some make a nuisance from time to time (mostly drunks)  usually people listen carefully and reverently.


A large crowd of people listened as we preached and have out Seed Sower texts at Thondwe market.


A small boat was the pulpit when we visited Kachulu, a small fishing town in Zomba district.


Still more listening to the Word of God at Njuli.


Overwhelming response to literature distribution

I had a very encouraging phone call with Bro. Harold earlier this week when he told me that the response to the latest literature distribution has been quite overwhelming.

Since I returned from Malawi on 24 June Harold estimates the number of genuine SMS/telephone enquirers to be around 50. The really encouraging thing is that these enquiries are originating from almost every district in the country, including places which we have not even visited. The ever-increasing challenge is how best to follow these up.

Some are enquiring about the way of salvation, and others are looking for further supplies of tracts to distribute themselves. Particularly sought after are the “What happens to a person after they die?” and “If you go to hell it’s your own choice” tracts.

The supply of 150,000 tracts which arrived in Malawi in early June is almost exhausted!


The Curse of False Doctrine

DSC-0035I snapped this while passing through the centre of Zomba last month.  This huge billboard overlooks the bus depot where we have had a number of very fruitful times of open-air preaching and Seed Sower/tract distribution.

Malawi is awash with the destructive, demonic Word-Faith “Prosperity Gospel” which diverts attention from eternal to temporal things, and spiritual to material.

Please pray that as we embark upon a concerted effort to reach the lost next month that the true Gospel will win many hearts.


Site Live

Our website has had a much needed overhaul.

It is still a work in progress, but please feel free to have a look – and remember to “like” our Facebook page too.


Update and Prayer Request

Thank you sincerely for praying concerning my recent short visit to Malawi – my second of this year, so far. It has been good to see the literature work moving forward, and we continue to be really encouraged by the number of contacts generated – some expressing interest in salvation and others looking for supplies of literature to distribute themselves. As mentioned in previous correspondence, we estimate that around 500,000 items of Gospel literature have been published and distributed over the past couple of years, and we praise the Lord for making this possible, and for the promised blessing upon His Word. I will shortly be turning my attention to the publication of the 2016 Gospel Calendar, and the next edition of Exploring God’s Word which I hope to ship to arrive in good time for my November visit, DV. 


Prayer Request – Malawi Visit

I’d like to request your prayers for journeying mercies and blessing upon a further visit to Malawi. Last evening I completed an enjoyable series of Ministry Meetings with the assembly at Saltash, Cornwall and set off this evening from London Heathrow.

There are a number of practical issues to sort out in anticipation of our outreach visit in August, and I also hope to progress several small projects to help various vulnerable individuals who were adversely affected by the storms earlier this year. And I will, of course, be seeking to engage in further open-air preaching and literature distribution.

Gail and Philip remain at home again on this occasion.


Thank God for His Goodness!

I’ve just returned a few days ago from my latest visit to Malawi, and want to sincerely thank all who were praying while I was away.

Without going into detail, early in this trip I had probably the most harrowing experience of my life when I collided with an elderly pedestrian, through absolutely no fault of my own. Although for some time I was certain that I had killed her and probably sent her to a lost eternity, quite miraculously – and I really mean that – her life was spared, and in fact she survived the incident better than the robust old Land Rover Discovery I was driving, sustaining just a cut to the head and some severe bruising.

We are so thankful to the Lord for graciously sparing the woman’s life, for sparing me the anguish of having really killed her, and the untold trouble which would surely have followed had that actually been so. We thank Him too for resultant opportunities to bear testimony in the Gospel.

As you join with us in thanksgiving, please pray for the lady, Margaret, her friends and family. Doubtless God has spoken to them. And please pray too for the tens of thousands of items of Gospel leaflets which have been distributed during this visit – may all be for the glory of God, and the blessing of lost souls.