Literature Work News

Conference Concluded – Calendars… Continuing!

We thank the Lord for the past 3 days of Bible teaching at Nsanama.

For many of the 20-something attendees much of the teaching of the Epistle to the Galatians was new and somewhat difficult to grasp, however we felt that the Lord gave real help during a number of sessions, and that some were definitely challenged by the Word of God. Sadly, the response of others seemed to evidence ulterior motives, but we have come to expect that in such gatherings and were certainly not surprised.

There was definite evidence of the damnable “Prosperity” heresy among some, especially on the first day, one of the attendees claiming to be an Apostle himself and clearly attempting to influence the thinking of the rest. This, too was not unexpected, if somewhat disappointing.

Please continue to remember this time of teaching in your prayers, that the Lord will be pleased to bless all who attended.

Sadly, although I was able to collect a further 18,000 calendars this afternoon, we are still waiting for over 70,000. We have some local distribution calls to make, but with a long road trip planned for early next week, time seems to be running out! Please pray that the printer will finally make good on all his previous promises and that we will receive the remaining calendars in good time.

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