Malawi Gospel Outreach News Outreach 2017

MGO 2017 – Over hill and down dale

Wednesday 9 August

Wednesday is market day at Thondwe, and also at Dzaone, a small rural settlement about 30 mins from Thondwe on a bumpy dirt road heading south towards the Phalombe plain.  We have been visiting Dzaone for a a couple of years and made a return visit there on Wed morning.









After lunch back home we visited the large market at Thondwe, distributing thousands of leaflet packs to the masses of people there. It was encouraging to be joined by a few men who attend Goodson’s regular Bible study at Thondwe.






Thurs 10th August

A highlight of our Malawi Gospel Outreach trips is always a visit to Brother Goodson’s hilltop home, where we enjoy a traditional village meal (more of a banquet, really) and a hold a cottage meeting with friends and neighbours.

En route, we stopped at the small market at Nachikangwala, where some of the girls took the opportunity for an impromptu Children’s meeting with some of the many youngsters there, while the rest were distributing texts. It was a great success.

Goodson preaches on the serpent on the pole… well, it was actually a speaker stand.
Bethany tells the children a Bible story.








It’s a bit of a hike to Goodson and Flora’s home, but the scenic view is always spectacular and well worth the effort…


…as was lunch…



…although the ladies definitely need to develop some upper body strength for making nsima/

Make sure there are no lumps
Angela tries her hand at nsima
Yapya – it’s ready!











Gary entertains the children

Goodson, Flora and family.