Travel plans for MGO 2017
I’ve been in touch with the airline concerning travel plans for this year’s Malawi Gospel Outreach.
I’m delighted to confirm that they have revised their high season timetable so that our planned days fall outside this period.
At time of writing I’m told that return flights from Dublin to Blantyre will be around €875, considerably less than comparable flights from London, and competitive compared with, “instant purchase” fares currently available on the web.
If you are interested in joining us, this price can be locked in on payment of a deposit.
As in previous years, places are limited by our accommodation in Malawi, so please let me know if you are considering joining us, even if your plans are not certain.
If you intend to make your travel plans independently please let us know your proposed itinerary before booking so that we can coordinate airport pickups and drop-offs. Airport days for arrival will most likely be Thurs 3rd, Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th, and for departure Saturday 19th or Tuesday 22nd.
We are really pleased to announce dates for Malawi Gospel Outreach 2017. Subject to final confirmation of flights etc., the main outreach will take place during the two weeks 7-20 August 2017. As in former years, there will be opportunity for any who wish to join the “advance party” from around 3rd August, or to remain behind for a few extra days at the end of the main event.
If you wish to participate you may sign up here: Application Form. (The organisers reserve the right to refuse any application deemed unsuitable at their sole discretion)
If you are not yet ready to sign up, but would like to be kept informed, you can register your interest opposite.

Will appreciate your prayers as I set off again for a further short trip to Malawi.
Hoping to further explore the possibility of establishing a number of regional literature storage and distribution depots to facilitate the increasing demand for our material throughout the country. Much wisdom required.
From Grace Smith: “As soon as you arrive in Malawi, the assault on your senses begins. The bright colours of waxed African fabrics, the clinging orange dust, the throb of loud music and the baking heat can be overwhelming. But none of this prepares you for the feeling of overwhelm you experience when you look out over a busy market place where hundreds of people stand and listen eagerly to the Gospel and jostle around you to ensure that they receive Gospel literature. Nothing prepares you for the immense sense of privilege you feel when you sit in the dust with children who have nothing but are happy to sing with you about the love of the Lord Jesus, repeatedly.
“The great sense of joy at being allowed to participate, in some small way, in the work in Malawi is matched only by the great sense of frustration it can bring. Sometimes you might get annoyed at the length of time it takes to complete “ordinary” tasks, like shopping. You might become exasperated on the chaotic roads. However, most frustrating of all, is the plethora of false gospels which are being proclaimed across the country. There are thousands of Malawians ready and willing to hear the true Gospel, yet, so many are being deceived. The opportunities in the “warm heart of Africa” are immense, there is a ready made audience for any Gospel preacher! Participating in a MGO trip is guaranteed to have a life changing effect on any believer who is interested in the spread of the Gospel. The poverty and need you see may threaten to break your heart, but the experience of being allowed to serve God with fellow Christians, among such a loving and warm people will go a long way to mend it.
“How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? Romans 10:14”
Why aren’t there more laborers…?
From Anna Vallance: “Without being dramatic, I would say that Malawi and its people have a way of burrowing into your heart. It’s only now that I’ve been away for a few weeks that I’ve realized how much I came to love the country.
“Never have I seen such openness to spiritual matters. Never have I seen such a hunger for the gospel. The physical need is great, but the spiritual need is greater. It begs the question: why aren’t there more laborers in this most plenteous harvest? What if someone with false doctrine reaches them first?
“It was a privilege to be a small part of the Lord’s work in this field for a few weeks. Hearing the gospel preached several times each day was an excellent reminder as to what life is really about. It was worth the trip of a few thousand miles simply to see what the Lord is doing in this country and know how to more intelligently pray for the work there. Of course, getting to know Stephen and Gail and the rest of the team was an added benefit!
“The outreach was a truly life-changing experience – I would recommend it to anyone who has the opportunity to go. And if you can’t, pray for Malawi!”
Urgent Request for Prayer – Grace Croudace

Dear friends,
May I ask you to pray earnestly for our dearly beloved sister, Grace Croudace who has had a stroke and is hospitalised in Chitokoloki, Zambia.
David and Grace have been the dearest friends to Gail, Philip and I over the years, and it was our joy to renew fellowship with them briefly last month in Malawi as they were there again in the Lord’s service, even though both of them are well advanced in years.
David is at Grace’s beside, typically, in his own words, “looking for His perfect will to be worked out.” Please uphold them both at the Throne of Grace.
Thank you.
“What a privilege”
From Alan Gaston: “What a privilege it was to be part of a great team of 16 workers from various countries on this trip in August 2016
What a joy to see people as they stood in the heat to listened to the Gospel proclaimed and their reception of the literature that was handed out at many markets . Some very interesting conversation were had with people and explaining that the Lord Jesus was the only way to heaven.
The prison was a wonderful experience – so many prisoners listened to the Gospel so attentively. Some of those that listened do Emmaus course‘s on a monthly basis.
This was my second trip and was well worth the effort and such a blessing.
I would encourage others to pray for the work done and consider a visit to Malawi 2017 (DV).”

By Jim McMaster: “MGO 2016 has undoubtedly been one of the highlights of our entire Christian life. The amazing liberty for open air preaching and text distribution coupled with the enthusiastic receptiveness of hundreds of listeners at every place can only be described as sheer Christian delight.
Malawi is a country full of astonishing contradictions with innumerable churches and every variety of error evident everywhere. For me it was a source of real sadness to see the devastation caused by the rising availability of alcohol on a very benign population.
It was a real thrill to work alongside Stephen and Gail and the fellowship with the team from both sides of the Atlantic was encouraging, refreshing and (dare I say it) great fun. I am so glad we were allowed by the Lord to be present and would encourage any to sign up quickly for MGO 2017 before all the available places are snatched up. “
“Life changing”
By Rob Gratton:
“Truly amazing opportunity to share in a gospel outreach. Learned so much about how to simply present the gospel as I listened to the messages. The people of Malawi are happy, appreciative people and very open to hearing the Word of God. The group was close and very supportive. Traveled with my daughter – great father – daughter experience. I was nervous going but my fears were ill founded. It is a cliché but none the less true…’life changing”.”
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