We were reminded in morning devotions today that the Lord is before, behind and right there with us in all the circumstances of life.
We are certainly glad of this truth as we take the Gospel to the people of Malawi.
Today was a very full day. After an encouraging open air meeting at Mbulumbuzi we proceeded to Chiradzulu District Hospital where we had the opportunity to address an estimated 300-400 patients and family at several of the wards.
After a quick packed lunch on the bus we made our way to P.I.M. to catch the end of the twice-weekly market there.
Although there were many fewer people than we could have expected to find in the morning, it was still a hive of noisy chaos, with loud music blasting from large speakers on opposing sides of the road. It was going to be tough!
As we began to set up our own, rather meagre (by comparison) speaker system, brother Harold made for the first of the offending shops to request then to accommodate us by turning the volume down a little. He had barely opened his mouth when silence fell upon the whole market – the Lord had blessed us with a blackout. I was reminded of the words “before they call, I will answer”, and of this morning’s promise that He would go before.
Pray that the Lord will also come behind and preserve His word and cause it to bring forth much fruit.

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